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Thursday, 22 March 2007


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Ah yes, slowing down. Definitely doing that a lot more these days. I find that brief moments of complete stillness are making a huge difference in my life.


That's so true. I've had that same experience myself. More times than I care to admit!

Maybe slowing down and taking your time and learning to really enjoy and take pride in what you are doing is more valuable than we realize sometimes.


Unfortunately I am my own worst critic as I am fortunate in having many people in my life who appreciate me for who I am and what I do. It's just me that's doing a pretty good job of beating myself up! I guess I need to listen to them instead of myself.


It's funny...with enough negative criticism and people telling you that you will never amount to this or that, people start to believe it.

Unfortunately when that happens, lots of things go unnoticed by people that might appreciate them.

Of course, who would want to continue with any project if they felt nobody would appreciate it.

Finding the people that appreciate what you are doing is pretty important for anyone, huh?

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