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Monday, 26 March 2007


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Butterflys&Blossons - There is a small selection of my work here in the 'Gallery'. I have more but need to scan these and upload them. Happy to share and get feedback - thank you.

GardenSnake - You are so right! Everyone is very critical of their own work. And if someone else finds something to like in your work (even if you don't), surely that is all that matters.

Curses-Picaso-Curses - Thanks for this. I need to keep reminding myself that the end result is not always so important as the process of creating itself.


Maybe you could share some of your art with us?


Your post reminds me that often it takes a whole lot of work, passion, creativity and sometimes even failures to produce something really beautiful. But even some of those so called 'failures' might just be something beautiful to someone else.


Maybe there is no need to critique if you enjoy your work :-)

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