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Thursday, 04 January 2007


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Yes....that's exactly what I was afraid of!

Oh, and I'll keep that in mind. The mere mention of honey and I'm thinking ginseng tea is sounding pretty good.


LOL! I completely understand what you mean. I'm definitely still needing that morning caffeine shot so yes I am a coffee drinker (have been for many years).

But yes, the peppermint tea is good. Try it with a little manuka honey - very nice!


Actually, I noticed that you said caffeine has been totally replaced with peppermint tea. Maybe you were never a coffee drinker to begin with. I don't know.

Were it me, in order to replace my coffee in the morning, it's entirely possible that I might need to replace it with a defibrillator and paddles. Otherwise, I'd never wake up. I know, I know. I'm a dork.


That peppermint tea IS good, isn't it? Even if you do drink coffee, it's perfect for a hot drink towards the end of the night, or day depending on your schedule.

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