WhiteSpace is a local art workshop run by the City Council's Arts Development Team. I stumbled across a page about them on the Council website about a week or so ago during a google search for local art classes but the information there was well out of date. Then last night I was flicking through our local free newspaper (which I don't normally do) and there was an article advertising the latest programme of art classes at WhiteSpace!
I knew they would be very popular so phoned first thing this morning. As I expected most of the classes were fully booked already but they did have a jewellery class starting in January which still had places left. Now synchronicity definitely played a big role here. Surely it was meant that I would find this course at this particular time... So I didn't hesitate and booked a place there and then. It's a ten week course for beginners. We will be working with silver which is exactly what I'm interested in.