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  • ...Come, enter here and rest, and may the sweet serenity of growing things, and the heavenly peace, be mirrored in the soul.

    Welcome to the garden - a place of creativity, healing and growth.

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© Jennifer Eddie 1989-2013

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Tuesday, 08 February 2011


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Dharma in the Garden

Thanks Luci and it's nice to know that the garden has been missed. I've missed it too! I really want to give it a bit of a make-over and a change of direction but I'm being patient and letting the ideas come in their own time.

Luci Weston

Such a good message for all of us, thank you for sharing. I also believe that part of trusting the process is to stop judging our own work. For me, this is hard and I must remind myself not to judge whether an entry/project is "good enough" and just allow it to flow. Leaving the judgment part up to others frees up the creative process on a deeper level.

PS Glad you are back, Jennifer... I've missed the Garden.

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