My daily mantra is fast becoming 'trust the process'. This was something Shannon told us on the first day of the Inside Out e-Course, that there was no right way of doing it and we had to trust the process. This is my second time doing this course but it was only during the third week that my eyes fell on those words again and I suddenly realised what they meant. Today during my messy attempts at creating journal pages I have repeatedly said those words to myself ("just trust the process Jennifer"). Too often I get hung up about things not being 'right' or 'perfect' so now I remind myself that I'm only having fun, doing a bit of collage, making brightly coloured pages for my journal. It's no big deal. In the past I have ripped up a lot of artwork I didn't like, things that if I'd only trusted the process would probably have worked out OK if I'd just kept at it. That was my lesson today. To keep going even if I didn't particularly like the rsesults I was getting, to trust the process and see what happened. Now I see that trusting the process doesn't just apply to my artwork but to my entire way of life. In all things, I must learn to trust the process.
Thanks Luci and it's nice to know that the garden has been missed. I've missed it too! I really want to give it a bit of a make-over and a change of direction but I'm being patient and letting the ideas come in their own time.
Posted by: Dharma in the Garden | Wednesday, 09 February 2011 at 05:44 PM
Such a good message for all of us, thank you for sharing. I also believe that part of trusting the process is to stop judging our own work. For me, this is hard and I must remind myself not to judge whether an entry/project is "good enough" and just allow it to flow. Leaving the judgment part up to others frees up the creative process on a deeper level.
PS Glad you are back, Jennifer... I've missed the Garden.
Posted by: Luci Weston | Tuesday, 08 February 2011 at 06:38 PM