I've decided to stop fooling myself and just admit it. I really do want an iphone.
In fact what I really want is the iphone 4s. In white. And if I'm going to have this shiny new thing then really I definitely need the 32GB size for all the apps and movies and photos I'm going to store on it.
While I'm in full confession mode, might as well admit that I would also really love to have a MacBook Pro. You know, the one with the biggest screen and biggest memory (and biggest price but what the heck, it's only money). Oh yes, and an ipad and an ipod would be lovely too. Just to complete the set.
You see, I've been trying for so long to tell myself that my old Nokia does me just fine. Which is does. It's serves me well, my little Nokia. Very reliable. But then you see everyone around you with their shiny new phones. My phone is now so ashamed that it rarely makes an appearance these days. It just can't compete with the new cool phones with all their bells and whistles - 'apps' I think they're called. No wonder they are called smart phones - they seem to do everything! People are utterly enthralled by them. Can't live their lives without them in fact. And until recently I didn't want to be like that. I didn't want to hand over my entire life to a phone. I kept telling myself that really my life wasn't that complex that I needed a phone to organise it. I worried that I would buy one and become just as fascinated, just as addicted as everyone else and then... Well, then my life would be over. My life as I currently know it that is. Once I had 'crossed over' into that world I knew there would be no return.
Then one day I found myself inside the Apple store. This was a place I had passed by many times and never felt drawn to enter. I don't know what was different this particular day. Maybe my resistance was weaker, maybe it was a full moon. I just don't know. Anyway I did 'cross over' and once inside all was lost. Resistance was futile. I capitulated and asked for a demo on the MacBook Air. I'm not sure what happened after that. It's all a bit of a blur (do the assistants use mind-bending tricks?) but since then I can't stop thinking about iphones and ipads and ipods and gosh just thinking about them makes me go all funny inside. I need to have one of these gadgets. No, I need to have ALL the Apple merchandise. Not just the MacBooks but everything. Even the phone covers and headphones. I want to paint my world APPLE!
Strangely there is still a tiny part of me fighting this overwhelming desire. Last night I got as far as putting in my credit card details for my beautiful new white iphone 4s (which also came with free headphones worth £60 and other goodies!) but then something stopped me clicking that submit button. It could have a lot to do with my already enormous credit card bill and the fact that it's only a week until Christmas with all the madness that brings. So maybe I haven't lost all sanity - maybe there is still hope.
But then again...