"If the whole world followed you, would you be pleased with where you took it?” Neale Donald Walsch
My 'character strengths' journal was delayed over the weekend as I needed all my reserves to fight off the beginning of a cold. I'm glad to say that the bugs lost out, although I know there are many who weren't so lucky.
Anyway, on Friday I took the camera into the garden and snapped a few shots of our new dwarf apple trees. Something I've been meaning to do for a while so one point scored for the 'creativity' character strength. I think both these trees will grow to about 3 metres high, producing fruit in August and September. However, I wasn't able to find them in my plant & flower encyclopedia as I didn't have the latin names so further research is required. They look very small and bare just now but hopefully come Spring they will be covered in blossom.
Then I grappled with the clever little gizmo I was given for Christmas which transfers pictures from the camera by connecting the XD card with the computer. Encouraged by my success, I set about putting a new XD card into the camera. Relatively simple for all those techies out there I'm sure but for me it took a few failed attempts before I succeeded with both these exercises so I think I can safely say one point each for 'love of learning' and 'persistence'.