I am taking inspiration today from an article by Kenneth Wapnick Ph.D. and his discussion on 'proper' and 'improper' art and how the latter places emphasis on the external effect (form) rather than on creation's internal and inspirational source (content).
This is a lengthy article which will require more study on my part, but essentially, if I understand it correctly, it states that form flows from content and that content inspires form. Content and form are synonomous with cause and effect. This relationship can only flow in one direction - cause precedes effect, not the other way round. And so it is the same with content and form - form will always flow from content. You cannot seek to change the content by modifying the form.
So rather than focusing on concerns such as "is this art any good", my aim should always be to create a true work of art (form) that is created from my inner experience (content).