“Sometimes, you appear cooler on the surface than you truly feel. You may be tempted to downplay your feelings so that others don't get worked up with your emotional drama. The problem with this strategy is that your secret passions may not find a way to express, unless others in your life know how you are feeling. This can be terrifying, for you don't want to be inappropriate, but it's time to act on your feelings now.”
Now this is particularly accurate in my case. I’m not inclined to show my emotions very easily. And yes, I have been known to downplay my feelings on occasion. However, after reading the above, I’m left wondering exactly how I should go about expressing my ‘secret passions’. Passionate displays certainly sound terrifying, but I’m thinking probably more so for the person on the receiving end than for myself! But on reflection this has got me thinking. Is the reason behind my calm exterior and downplaying of feelings a way of trying to convince others (and more likely myself) that I am in control and that displays of emotion are a sign of weakness? Putting my emotional dramas ‘out there’ for others to see just seems way too scary right now. I’m going to think more about this and return to it at a later date.