"Although you can be so intently focused on the minute details of your immediate environment, the astrological month of Taurus opens your vistas of thought and imagination. Today, however, with the Moon in your 10th House of Career, it's crucial for you to make an effort to push beyond your own self-limiting boundaries. Widen your vision in a practical manner so you can eagerly open the door when opportunity knocks."
This is very appropriate considering the current situation here in my office. We are living on the knive edge at the moment and not sure which way things will go. Before I read the above this morning, a few of us were discussing the way things are and how we probably need forced change in order to jolt us out of our current environments. We moan and complain but we put up with our lot because it's safe and it's what we know. I think this is true for the majority of people. Unless change forces us out of a situation, we are happy just to stay put and accept our lot. But if our work is a huge chunk of our lives (we spend more time at work than we do with our families), why are we putting up with something that makes us so miserable?
The last few years have seen me taking steps to change my working life so that it incorporates some or all of my interests. Progress hasn't been as fast as I would have liked but moving from full-time to part-time working is one change that has definitely had a huge impact on my life (for the better!). I'm still heading in the right direction as far as my plans are concerned, although I now accept that things don't always happen when we want them to. Life can change at any time and we never know what is just around the corner. I'm definitely going to be prepared for when the opportunity comes knocking.