I came across a list of Veronica Hay's New Year Resolutions this week. Not your normal lose weight, exercise more type resolutions, but real soul stirring, grabbing life with both hands, living your absolute best life type of resolutions. I love this one:
"I want to write more about those things that really matter to me, with passion, the things that I know in my gut, the things that stir up my soul, and not give a damn about keywords or tags or where I rank in Google."
probably because it pretty much sums up my blog. There's no plan to what I write here and a lot of the time I don't always manage to put into words the wonderful ideas and images that are jumbling around inside my head. I just write about the people, places and things that come into my experience and "stir up my soul". I have no interest in keywords, tags or ranking although obviously I write a blog in the hope that someone will read it (even better if they enjoy it too)! But I'll keep writing anyway because I love it. Pure and simple.
I'm reading and enjoying your posts, keep it up! :)
Posted by: Luci Weston | Tuesday, 23 February 2010 at 12:08 AM